Looking for a Puppy?
The US Eurasier Club maintains a list of breeders who meet or exceed the expectations set forth by the club as described in our code of ethics. These breeders, and our breed community, are a small group of dedicated enthusiasts: choose the breeder who you best connect with, as the relationship will last the life of your dog.
You've researched breeds and feel confident that a Eurasier is the perfect match for your home. Their temperament, size, energy level and grooming requirements all suit your lifestyle and expectations, and in turn you look forward to many happy years with your dog by your side.
Buying a puppy can be an overwhelming process, and USEC prioritizes our role as a breed club in assisting our breeder members to find homes, educate those homes, and connect prospective homes with breeders.
Selecting a
This information is intended to help potential adopting families engage in a thoughtful dialogue with a potential breeder. These suggested guidelines are not intended to constitute hard and fast rules; rather, they are intended to identify matters you should consider, discuss with the breeder, and then decide what is best for you and your family.
The USEC Board of Directors, per the breeding policy, votes on and approves matings based on health testing performed, researches the lines to provide a coefficient of inbreeding, and provides health related information pertinent to the litter to the breeders. Upon approval of the mating, and if the litter is raised in accordance with USEC policy and the Eurasier way, the breeder is then recognized with a Badge, indicating high standards -- either Gold, or Silver-- stating that the litter is a USEC Approved litter. This certificate ensures that the breeding was carefully planned and is held to the highest standards of the USEC. Owners should request this Badge from their breeders and if one is not provided, ask why.
Your Eurasier may be a family member for 14 or more years. Your selection of a breeder and a Eurasier is a decision that must be carefully considered:
A breeder should provide information about Eurasiers and satisfactory answers to questions from potential owners, and should encourage new owners to maintain regular contact.
A breeder should ask you questions about your lifestyle, family and why you want a Eurasier.
A breeder should provide a written contract that includes guarantees for the health & soundness of their puppies; and a policy to accept the return of a puppy, or assistance in finding it a new home, in the event the new owners are unable to keep it.
A breeder should be able to provide references from previous puppy owners who will discuss their breeder and Eurasier experience, if there has been a prior litter by that breeder.
A breeder should guarantee registration papers for a puppy within one year of the puppy's birth.
A breeder must provide proof the Sire and Dam have been registered with a nationally recognized breed organization, such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) or the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC). The Eurasier is only provisionally recognized by AKC as a breed participating in their foundation stock program, some breeders choose to dual register at this time.
A breeder should be able to provide proof that the Dam and Sire were at least 2 years old at time of first mating, and be able to offer evidence (documented certifications) that prior to mating, and at no sooner than two years of age, their health examinations were done. These include:
A favorable* Hip dysplasia certification from a recognized organization such as the University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (PennHIP), the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC), the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) or a Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) approved authority. The USEC requires that the Eurasier be 2 years of age before testing for hip dysplasia. *favorable is defined as HD-A1, HD-A2, or HD-B1, or equivalent
Patella luxation (Veterinary exam statement): Normal, or not greater than 1/1 - completed at/after 2 years of age.
Eye diseases (specialist in ophthalmology preferred, minimal exam: entroprion, ectroprion and distichiasis): Normal
Thyroid testing with normal results should be conducted within one year of each mating. Acceptable full thyroid tests for Eurasiers are done through either Michigan State University or Hemopet.
The Sire and Dam should also be DNA tested as Dandy Walker (DW) and EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa) carriers. These tests are done once in the lifetime of a Eurasier and can be done at any age. DW carriers should be offered to non-breeding homes.
The Sire / Dam reside indoors as members of the family. The puppies are also reared accordingly, in healthy conditions, with lots of positive human contact.
A breeder should either recommend an appropriate puppy for your family, or otherwise help you select a puppy. However, you must also decide that the Eurasier breed is right for you.
The Eurasier is a rare breed. Invest the time to find a breeder you are comfortable with, and one who is not a commercial breeder. Here are some questions you might ask to help you make your evaluation:
How many Eurasiers do you own and what are their ages?
Have your female Eurasiers had litters before the age of 2 years old?
What health testing have you done? What were the results?
Why are you planning to breed again? Why did you choose this pairing?
Do you allow at least 12 months between breedings for the same female?
When was the last whelping for each of your female Eurasiers?
How many litters have each of your female Eurasiers had and when?
Do you own or breed other breeds of dogs?
Do you have photos of pups from previous litters?
Is this a USEC Approved litter?
As you make determinations about the breeder, also expect the breeder to be qualifying you.
Expect to be on a waiting list for a puppy for several months or even longer.
Be patient - if you're in a hurry, the Eurasier is not the breed for you.
Excerpted and modified from NAEC October 2005 Newsletter,
Courtesy of the North American Eurasier Committee,
Updated September 30, 2016
Alright, I'm ready!
Bringing home any puppy is a wonderful experience.
But a dog is no trivial thing: we are obligated to provide them a life time of care.
A Eurasier, on average, will live to be 14 years old and it is never enough time!
Reach out to the US Eurasier Club directly, and we will be happy to provide you with a list of our breeders, where they are located, and their upcoming breeding plans.